Nobody wants to live in a boring white box, but there are times when spending a million on art is unaffordable. What is the alternative? Repurposing existing goods into ornamental objects and creating your own works of art to hang on the wall. It actually makes a significant impact, and you won't have to spend a fortune. We discovered a slew of unique, designer-inspired do-it-yourself wall art ideas, ranging from framing your children's artwork to designing your own wall hanging. If you're afraid to use a nail gun or hammer, have no fearâyou've got this... Because these examples are quite straightforward and easily copied. Therefore, grab your glue gun and prepare to brighten up your room with these seventeen unique DIY wall décor ideas.
If you're wondering what you can genuinely create with a 3D printer, would you think you can create your own telescope? Connect it to the processing capabilities of a microcomputer to achieve amazing feats of stargazing. A true robot built entirely in your home using just a few cables and 3D printed materials? Please, yes. While you are unlikely to take over the world with a robotic army anytime soon, this is a start! Now is the time to begin building your robotic horde! This is without a doubt one of the most unique 3D printed things on our list.