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Tlaloc Dios De La Lluvia

The Best 20 Tlaloc Dios De La Lluvia - Tlaloc Tlaloc dios azteca de la lluvia, es uno de los dioses aztecas de la tierra, conocido por su capacidad de dominar el agua y proveer el lquido vital, tambin conocido como licor de la tierra, que contribuye al crecimiento de los cultivos de maz. Tlloc. Tlloc is a god who truly represents Aztec mythology because he is the god of rain, the one who bears the responsibility of bringing rain to all of the earth in order to improve crops and make the cosechas better. As a result, he is the god of the relmpago, which can be understood.

Tlaloc Dios De La Lluvia Teotihuacan

Please follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yukioscarletoficial Tlloc, the water deity, is represented by a massive monolith. It is 7 meters long and weighs 168 toneladas. His residence was in the vicinity of San Miguel Coatlinchn, State of D.

Tlloc tlloc (en nhuatl clsico: Tllc; AFI [talok]) (nhuatl: Tlloc, 'nctar de la Tierra,' 'tlalli, tierra; octli nctar') refers to the cycle Tlloc es la essence de la Lluvia y el Trueno, manifesting itself in various ways as it becomes tangible in the universe. What is Tlloc's name? The belief in this god is one of the oldest in Mesoamerica, with all ancient Mexicans praying to him to strengthen the rivers and send rain.

TAG : Tlaloc Dios De La Lluvia Teotihuacan,Tlaloc Dios De La Lluvia Dibujo,Tlaloc Dios De La Lluvia Tatuaje
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