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Second Grade Chrysanthemum Book Activities

D. H. Lawrence's Brief Biography D.H. Lawrence was a weak youngster growing up in a mining village, particularly close to his mother, a failing schoolteacher. He identified with her troubles as the wife of a rude miner with a drinking problem, and many of his female heroines, notably Elizabeth in Odour of Chrysanthemums, have similar difficulties in marriage. Lawrence began his career as a schoolteacher after graduating from university, while also producing poetry and short tales. As his literary career developed, he abandoned school and established a reputation as a controversial author with works such as The Rainbow, his second book, which was confiscated by authorities for being indecent. Lawrence and his wife, Frieda, were likewise looked suspiciously in pre-war England due to Frieda's German background, and the government requested that they depart in 1917. Following that, the couple traveled frequently, and Lawrence died in 1930 in France.

Mrs Twinkle, the music teacher, reveals her pregnancy to her ecstatic pupils. When she is mocked, she defends Chrysanthemum by informing the children that she, too, is named after a flower and believes Chrysanthemum would be a great name for her baby. Suddenly, every other pupil wants to be called after a flower, reviving Chrysanthemum's pride in her given name.

Chrysanthemum Contributed by Kevin Henkes Chrysanthemum adored the moniker bestowed to her by her parents. Her parents believed it was the ideal name for her. Chrysanthemum adored the way her parents' voices sounded when they called her. However, after she began school, her name did not seem quite so great! Children mocked her about her name being derived from a flower. They were amused by the length of her given name. Chrysanthemum's idyllic environment started to disintegrate. She started to feel deflated and humiliated by her given name. The class was then introduced to Mrs. Delphinium Twinkle, the class's music instructor, and Chrysanthemum started to bloom! A beautiful book for young children to help them build compassion and empathy. Excellent read for the start of the school year!

A vehicle arrives from the road - it is a wagon pulled by a stubble-bearded guy advertising the man's services as a tinker capable of repairing a variety of home items. The guy brings his cart to a halt in front of the Allens' residence. Elisa and the tinker begin teasing one other while he seeks employment. Although Elisa declines, claiming she has neither dull scissors or broken pots, the tinker persists, prolonging their chat. Eventually, the tinker inquires about Elisa's chrysanthemums, shattering her barriers instantaneously. She converses animatedly with him about the flowers, and when he recalls a lady down the road who lacks chrysanthemums in her garden, Elisa offers to arrange some seedlings in a flower pot for him to present to her.

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