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Indian Green Leafy Vegetables List In Telugu

The BEETROOT, which is prized for both its leaves and delicious roots, is another vegetable that you may grow in your garden. You have two options: have a delectable beet leaf salad within 21 days or wait 45 days for the delectable root. RADISH is another popular vegetable in every Indian home, particularly when served raw with a little salt. Within 24-60 days of planting this tap-root crop, you may enjoy the delicious fruit of your labor.

6. Cognition and Blue-Purple Foods

Table 2 contains a list of foods that are blue-purple in color. Blue-purple meals seem to be beneficial for cognition and mood. Blueberries and grapes, both of which contain health-promoting phytonutrients, primarily polyphenols, have been shown to be beneficial for blue-purple foods [165â167]. Polyphenols found in blueberries include flavonoids, procyanidins (monomeric and oligomeric forms), flavonols (including kaempferol, quercetin, and myricetin), phenolic acids (mostly hydroxycinnamic acids), and stilbene derivatives [165]. Grapes have a high antioxidant capacity as a result of the many phytochemicals they contain, including phenolic acids, stilbenes, anthocyanins, and proanthocyanins (amounts vary based on the variety). They have been demonstrated to limit cancer cell growth, decrease platelet aggregation, and lower cholesterol in vitro and in vivo [167].

Pea pods on a garden pea vine.

Pea shoots are also delectable. They are the fragile, vulnerable immature pea plant's top shoots. Pea tendrils have a pea-like taste. Tendrils and green shoots are popular ingredients in salads and cookery across most of East and Southeast Asia.

Greek Cuisine

Greek cuisine is one of the world's oldest. Greece's and the Greek islands' cuisines are highly inspired by olive oil, vegetables, seafood, and a variety of meats. Indeed, a basic Greek salad may consist just of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions, a drizzle of olive oil, a handful of excellent olives, and a thick slice of feta cheese.

Citrus fruits contain a unique phytonutrient known as hesperidin, which aids with blood circulation. This has significant health consequences. If you often have chilly hands and feet, eating an orange daily may help keep them warm. More significantly, citrus consumption may help lower your risk of stroke. Orange and Yellow Foods to Try

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