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Auberginen Rezepte Im Backofen Mit Feta

Auberginen are almost fat-free and contain just around 25 kcal per 100 g. As a result, this gem is ideal for a calorie-conscious diet. Auberginen are completely edible. In the winter, as imported goods from the colder parts of the United States. Aubergines also grow in native habitats throughout the summer and are sold fresh from the region's markets.

The preparation of an aubergi­ne is rather simple, and as a result, all of the recipes are ready in less than 25 minutes. It is not necessary to shave the Auber­gi­ne, since this gen14gts the Stiel and the Kro­ne to be entfer­ned. In our case, we have not just the classic lila Sorte, but also a run­de and the lengthy Ver­si­on! As a result, optical disorientation occurs on the telephone. If you snei­de the Aubergi­ne in Schei­ben, it seems sense to continue salzing them; this prevents the Aubergi­ne from being wet during the wei­te­ren Zube­rei­tung. Alternatively, if you can halve the Auber­gi­ne and re-snei­den them before grilling, the Mari­na­de or W1­4rz­sauce will fit well! For all three Mari­na­den bzw. W1­rz­saucen, you do not require numerous Zuta­ten; in fact, you probably already have numerous Zuta­ten at home.

1.Cut the Feta into strips of around 3-5 mm in width, and the Aubergines into rounded Scheiben of approximately 5mm in width. Pre-heat the backofen to 180–200 degrees. Then arrange the Auberginen-Scheiben into groups of two and place the larger ones on the ledge. Simply salt and then adhere the Fetastreifen to your liking, but in such a way that nothing (from Feta) overpowers. then the smaller of the two Aubergine 2.discs are layered on top (hamburger ;-). Then sprinkle freshly grated Parmesan on top. 15 bis 20 Minuten in den Ofen...fertig!! Zaziki ist ein absolutes Muss; ich mache es frisch, but that is entirely up to the individual. Simple, but delicious!

Then remove the Onlaufform from the oven, rotate the Auberginenhlften, and f14ll the Schnitte with the d14nnen langen Feta-Scheiben. Kruter dar14ber geben nach Geschmack. Reintroduce the oval shape on the middle shelf of the oven, reduce the heat to 200°, and continue cooking for about 10–12 minutes more. If you want it a little darker, turn on the grill in the last minute (siehe Bild). To this, add a Grilltomate, which you may cut crosswise and garnish with cucumber slices, carrots, and a few tablespoons olive oil (siehe Bild). As a protein-rich accompaniment, try greek yogurt, which you can flavor with lemon zest and pepper.

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